Joe Biden is an easy target. Always willing to push the limit on the cringe factor, embracing Socialism, and ignoring the opioid crisis, border mess, and rapidly shrinking economy are his strong suits. Leadership, original thoughts, being young and vibrant? Yeah, not so much, and his opponents had a field day lambasting him after he announced he’s running again for president. 

The awkward kisses, rambling, blunders, creepy vibes — it’s all there.  Of course, they show him falling off his bike. 

A super PAC that’s pro-Donald Trump paid for and produced the spot, and it really highlights what an embarrassment Biden has been in his first term. 

Remember when the senior citizen fell asleep during a major international climate summit in Scotland two years ago? That clip is in the spot. It’s vintage “Creepy Joe.”  It’s not like this stuff is being made up — he really did do all this weird stuff in what, just over two years?  Wow. 

It lays the gauntlet for 2024 — his opponents are going after his age. He’s extremely old; it’s a fact. He can’t lie his way out of it. He’s showing his true colors as a socialist. Another fact that can’t be refuted. He appears clueless as to who our enemies are. 

He lives up to every single second of the spot that ends with a voice-over saying, “ Joe Biden for president. Just like your grandpa, but worse… much worse. “

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