Good news for business suit salespeople in New York City — JPMorgan Chase is telling their managing directors they must go to the office all five days of the work week. Should this be news? Should JPMorgan Chase be commended?  Um, you work on Wall Street; it might be better if you were in the office than in your kitchen. 

It was apparently getting increasingly more difficult for the bosses of the managing directors to spy on them at home, so they made the decree to get back to the office. 

“Most of you are following your hybrid models, but there are a number of employees who aren’t meeting their in-office attendance expectations, and that must change. You’re responsible for meeting your hybrid model requirements. Your manager is responsible for ensuring that attendance requirements are being met and, in cases where they aren’t, taking the appropriate performance management steps, which could include corrective action.”

The company has another reason to get employees back to the office – they spent huge dough building a new headquarters. It’s a 60-story skyscraper on Park Avenue – it will have all kinds of amenities, including yoga, cycling, meditation spaces, and a spectacular food hall. 

CEO Jamie Dimon is pumped to get into the new space. 

“JPMorgan Chase has been in the city for 200 years, and this is the headquarters of JPMorgan, in the best city in the world, in the best country in the world.”

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