What is your personal “Word of the Year?” Instead of choosing a New Year’s Resolution, many people now choose one word or theme to focus on throughout the year.

For example, the word of the year here at Valuetainment is “character.” Focusing on your character for 2023 reflects who you are as a person. What are your morals and values, and how will you live up to those?
If you want to choose a different “word of the year,” here’s a guideline on how to choose one.

Write down the first few words that come to mind. When choosing one word, choose one that is powerful and positive. Ask yourself whether your word reflects the path you want your life to be on. Other questions to ask yourself are what is missing from your life? What are your goals for your personal life? After answering a few of your questions, you should be able to narrow your list of personal words down to just a few.

After choosing one word, there are things you can do to make sure you are holding yourself accountable throughout 2023. Place your word somewhere you can see it every day. Consider multiple places to place the word, including your bathroom mirror, office computer, or car. Another way to remind yourself of your word is by writing affirmations you can recite or look at daily. Consider choosing an accountability partner whose word of the year aligns with yours.

Whatever word you choose, make sure it reflects how you want to grow in the new year and stick to it.

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