Critics of Anthony Fauci who already aren’t fond of the man better stay far away from copies of the New York Times that carried a feature on the highest-paid federal government employee.  Who is also 81 years old. 

The man apparently has a very high opinion of himself. The New York Times recently profiled the headline-chasing elderly doctor, and it paints to be an insufferable egomaniac of the highest order. 

Here’s how the newspaper story begins. Brace yourself. 

“The walls in Dr. Anthony S. Fauci’s home office are adorned with portraits of him, drawn and painted by some of his many fans.”

Wow.  Don’t we all know somebody like that? 

As for why he not only holds on to all these paintings sent to him but frames them and mounts them on a wall, he’s got his reason. 

He said he would “feel like I’m disrespecting them if he discarded it.”

Fauci also annoyingly refers to himself in the third person.  Do you know who else did that? Bo Jackson. But he is regarded as the greatest athlete who has ever walked the earth, so he can get away with it.   Here’s Tony talking about Tony regarding his plans when he finally retires in 2023. 

“What I would like to do is make it a real memoir, which is a life story of which Covid is a part. Because if you look at what Tony Fauci was and is, Tony Fauci is not defined by Covid.” 

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