Things are starting to get pretty real for Elizabeth Holmes. She’s been trying any and everything she could come up with to try to avoid the swap of black turtlenecks for an orange jumpsuit, and nothing is working. Nothing.

First, she tried to get the federal judge in her case to cut her some slack and grant house arrest because she had a newborn baby—her second.  Then this week, she was hoping her appeal would do the trick as she filed a motion for release. Both plans worked about as well as her old Theranos blood testing machines. And that means her freedom is fleeting. T-minus 16 days and counting. 

Holmes must report to prison on April 27. 

It was doubtful her latest attempt would work. She is appealing her conviction of fraud charges in the federal ninth circuit court of Appeals based on questions about the “accuracy and reliability” of evidentiary and procedural issues in the trial. 

Many convicted felons appeal their cases, but to avoid jail while you await the result of the appeal, you have to meet the burden of a substantial questioning of facts or law. The judge said he didn’t see enough. 

The former phenom CEO had quite a fall from grace in her short career. She founded Theranos in 2003 and raised hundreds of millions of dollars from investors until it all started crashing to the ground after a 2015 Wall Street Journal story revealed the whole thing was a sham. 

She’s sentenced to 11 years, and the countdown clock on her freedom is starting to run out. 

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