A video released to the public went viral after it showed the Dalai Lama kissing a young boy on the lips and then asking him to “suck my tongue” at an event in northern India back in February.

Why this video went viral more than two months after the incident occurred is a very interesting question yet to be answered.

The shocking video footage has the spiritual leader in hot water after he initially hugs, then forcibly lifts the young boy’s head from his chin and embraces him with a kiss.

Video shared by CBC News National:

The boy appeared uncomfortable when asked to suck the 87-year-old’s tongue, beginning to fulfill his request but not going through with it.

The minute the video went viral, the Dalai Lama’s team took to Twitter, issuing an apology to the boy and his family while downplaying the request as playful teasing.

“His Holiness often teases people he meets in an innocent and playful way, even in public and before cameras,” the statement said.

Tweeted apology from the Dalai Lama’s Twitter profile:

Critics took to Twitter to call out the leader, stating his pedophilic behavior was unacceptable no matter how high of authority one has in any establishment.

Some Dalai Lama supporters have argued that his actions were culturally misinterpreted. According to an article released by BBC News, “Sticking out your tongue would be considered a bit rude, but in Tibet, it’s a way of greeting.” This tradition is considered a form of respect.

However, sticking out one’s tongue to a leader and actually sucking on their tongue are two completely different situations. Where is the line drawn when moments like this happen to innocent children in the name of culture?

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