Is this elderly abuse?

Just take a look at California Senator Dianne Feinstein. She’s not well. She apparently just got over a bout of shingles. She’s now wheelchair bound. She can’t fully open one of her eyes. She can barely talk. And at almost 90 years old, she is defiantly still a senator.

Almost everyone and their mother wants Feinstein to resign. Her mental faculties just simply aren’t there.

Staff members anonymously told the press that their boss would inform them on what vote she’ll take on an issue, after she had already voted on it an hour before. She’d also get lost mid sentence, and didn’t know she was choosing not to run for re-election when talking to the press, a day after she announced she wasn’t running for re-election.

California Congressman Ro Khanna took the first risky step by calling for her resignation.

Former Speaker Nancy Pelosi came swinging back, calling any concerns with Feinstein sexist.

“I don’t know what political agendas are at work that are going after Sen. Feinstein in that way. I’ve never seen them go after a man who was sick in the Senate in that way.”

Now, you can call Pelosi’s statements compassionate, or you can call them calculated. Chuck Schumer needs Feinstein to vote for Biden’s judicial nominees. But she seems to be digging in her heels, not wanting to resign.

After a three-month absence, Feinstein has returned. But barely.

Feinstein’s office released a statement (since the senator herself is too weak to be interviewed) brushing the whole thing off, saying she is merely experiencing some side effects and has a lighter schedule. “I’m hopeful those issues will subside as I continue to recover.” Feinstein apparently “said” in a press release.

Most likely, Feinstein didn’t say anything, and doesn’t have any comprehension as to what is happening around her.

The GOP blocked efforts that would allow Feinstein to simply step down from the committee, and she doesn’t want to step down from the senate.

Take a look for yourself. Below are the only words Feinstein has uttered since she’s returned to Washington.

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