Unless she is after your money, fame, or something else, there’s almost a 0% chance it’s going to work if you’re that guy.

And you really don’t want a woman like that, anyway. 


5 Types of Men Women Cannot Stand

I may be open-minded, but I along with my female counterparts have very little desire to tolerate any of the men I characterize below.


1. The Hyper-Sensitive Fella

There’s always that one guy who’s way too sensitive about everything.

You can’t even make a joke with this guy.

He’s got self-esteem issues and projects it right back at you. Whatever you say, he will take it the wrong way and internalize it because he’s weak-minded.

It obviously ruins any attraction and women usually lose interest pretty quickly.

Women love when men can be vulnerable and sensitive, but if they start projecting their own issues and showing signs of insecurities, I promise you she’s gonna run the other way as soon as she gets the chance.

Ever notice how it’s always the super “macho” dudes who are like this? 😳


2. The Cocky Dude


You can be confident and not cocky.

Nothing ruins a man’s charm (if he has any), more than a guy who shows off about everything.

Show her who you are, but be smooth about it.

You should absolutely try to impress her (here’s how), HOWEVER, when you start to sound conceited, it reveals how insecure you actually are.

Women don’t like insecure men.


3. The Pest

Dude, F*CK OFF!

Can’t these guys take a damn hint? It’s not cute when men or women do this, but if you’re a guy and you do this, I feel bad.

I don’t know how these men think it’s a good idea to keep on nagging her.

You can be persistent in a charming way…

But “Men Love the Chase!”

No. This is not how you “chase a woman,” like a freakin kiosk salesman.

Please stop.


4. The Controlling One

You know the guy…the one who is borderline crazy about everything you do.

From what you wear to why you didn’t say something the right way, this guy always needs to make sure you know he’s in control.

This is honestly very unhealthy and kinda scary because it’s pretty manipulative. You don’t want a guy like this.

Men who do this typically target the sweet, kind, and shy girls they think they can get away with treating this way.

Unfortunately, many women get trapped in these relationships and it’s usually not until they reach their breaking point that they realize they need to end the relationship.

Oftentimes, the women who are targeted by these types of men don’t even realize what’s happening to them, because the abuse is so gradual and covert.


5. The Narcissist


Last but not least, is the good ol’ narcissist.

Of course, there is a scale of narcissists and the different types, but to keep things simple for this one, these men care way more about themselves than with you.

They will always put their needs first and fail to consider your feelings, your thoughts, or your opinions.

The conversation is always somehow driven back to being about them. The narcissist is toxic on so many levels. All of their behaviors have a covert (or overt) agenda behind them.

If they’re nice to you, it’s because they want something from you.

The narcissist cannot be trusted at any cost and must be avoided like the plague, no matter how difficult they are to resist.


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