Joe Biden is the definition of a “career politician,” and you’d think in his 50 years of taking a tax-payers paycheck, he’d have learned that sometimes it’s best to shut up and not say anything. 

That doesn’t register with “The Big Guy,” clearly, and on Sunday, he made another weird statement that makes people question his judgment and much worse. 

The “economy is strong as hell,” he said this weekend. 

Well, that’s far from accurate according to professionals who understand how the economy works, and a new report says it’s worse than most people feared. 

Stephen Moore and EJ Antoni are economists.  Most mainstream media outlets will refer to them as “conservative” economists. Still, regardless, they claim inflation has been going at 8 percent for seven months, contradicting what Biden’s team has said that things were “temporary.”

Now for the terrible news from their report. They claim that in the past 20 months, American families have lost about $6,000 in “purchasing power” because prices on everything have eclipsed wage growth. 

Average Americans’ 401k’s are getting pummeled, losing $34,000 in value per account, equaling a total of $2.1 trillion in losses. 

Biden made his statement on the economy while eating an ice cream cone Sunday, which is prophetic considering his administration is responsible for giving pension funds a real licking.  They have been crushed, too, losing almost $4 trillion or a total of 15%. 

Since the beginning of the year, the Dow Jones is down almost 20%, the S&P has fallen 25%, and the NASDAQ has seen a 34% dip. 

Biden was asked about the economy at an ice cream shop in Portland and if he was concerned. 

‘I’m not concerned about the strength of the dollar. I’m concerned about the rest of the world. Our economy is strong as hell.’

Okay. I would love to hear who he thinks will win the World Series this fall, maybe the Brooklyn Dodgers?

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