Just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse, it does. Progressive, corrupt money is heading from bad to WORSE.

Billionaire George Soros announced Tuesday that he’d be bequeathing his empire to his son, who describes himself as “more political” than his dad, Politico reports.

Alexander Soros, the youngest son of Hungarian American businessman George Soros, will be inheriting his $25 billion empire, made primarily from hedge funds.

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Included in that empire will be Soros’s Open Society Foundation. That garners roughly $1.5 billion a year to “promote human rights,” claiming to fight for democracy around the world – at least that’s what the website promotes. Or at least that’s what his website says the money is for. In reality, Soros has donated hundreds of millions to liberal candidates and causes in both the US and abroad.

Alexander said he’d be broadening his father’s “liberal aims.” Voting rights, abortion rights and gender equity will be the three major issues he will be focusing on. Translation? Soros will continue showing major support of the transgender encroachment both in grade schools and women’s sports.

Not to mention Soros Jr. is already running off with his elite connections. Alexander has already met with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, ostensibly about his father’s “foundation.” But those “foundation” talks can be tricky things.

And George Soros has his own super PAC aimed at spending in the hundreds of millions. Alexander will be inheriting that too, unsurprisingly.

Alexander was unabashed about his future efforts when speaking to Politico. “As much as I would love to get money out of politics, as long as the other side is doing it, we will have to do it, too.”

At least the elder Soros had some tact, this one doesn’t. Good luck to us all.

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