What a great start for former Vice President Mike Pence’s soon to be campaign.
Politico notes that a handful of Pence’s sentences were verbatim identical to Donald Trump’s in 2019.
He was speaking to the New York Economic Club at the time when he said, “If we want our families and communities to prosper, America must be the best place on earth to work, invest, innovate, build, pursue a career, hone a craft, or start a business. We want companies to move to America, stay in America, and hire American workers.”
And Pence delivered remarks to the Josiah Bartlett Center for Public Policy just this week. He said, “If we want our families and communities to prosper, America must be the best place on earth to work, invest, innovate, build, master a trade, or start a business. We want companies to move to America, stay in America, and hire American workers.”
Sound familiar?
The remarks weren’t recorded so this is only going off official transcripts.
To be fair, it might have been Pence’s speechwriter who is most guilty of sin here. But it shows Pence’s incompetence when it comes to his campaign. Not gonna help as Pence has consistently been nabbing 5% in the polls. Looks like there’s a lot of self immolation going on in the 2024 GOP primary. This is Trump’s to lose.
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