Your business has been around for a few years, and things are doing okay, but they could be better. It’s one detail you may not have noticed, or you’ve put it on the back burner. A new study reveals why you need to pay more attention to the technology used to operate your business.
According to StudyFinds, the average employee loses more than 100 minutes of productivity per week due to faulty workplace tech. The survey also reveals that faulty workplace equipment is enough to make most employees send in a resignation letter.
The OnePoll survey was given to 1,000 hybrid or remote workers and 1,000 IT professionals. Workers revealed their top daily frustrations with workplace technology.


Topping the list was slow websites. Thirty-five percent of workers said this was an issue. 28% of workers said the lack of access to some online resources when working from home was a top frustration. 28% also listed the constant need to restart their computer as their ultimate frustration. Connection issues when switching from in-office and at-home and having to do their own troubleshooting rounded out the top 5 frustrations with workplace technology.
The survey results also found that most of the technical issues can be resolved with an overall upgrade. IT experts say systems and software require constant maintenance to work correctly. A quarter of the survey’s participants say their computers were at least five years old. Outdated technology could add layers of problems for your business. 79% of workers say errors were so frustrating they switched to using their personal technology to complete tasks. This creates an increase in security risks.
Productivity is key to growing your business. Upgrading or investing in better technology for your employees could be one solution to increasing your company’s growth, but that’s likely not your only problem. If you hope to see more significant profits in 2023, you need access to Patrick Bet-David’s Business Planning Workshop 2022. The virtual workshop is a one-day event on Dec. 16th. To learn more about the event, click the link.


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