Former President Donald Trump, while vague about his abortion policies during the CNN town hall, clarified his stance later on. He called Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’s six-week abortion ban “too harsh.”

DeSantis said he’d sidestep the personal sideshow and go after Trump on policy differences. And he’s true to his word, although it took quite some time for any difference to arise.

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He said his six-week ban is something that 99% of pro-lifers would support. “As a Florida resident, you know, he didn’t give an answer about, ‘Would you have signed the heartbeat bill that Florida did, that had all the exceptions that people talk about? The Legislature put it in, I signed the bill, I was proud to do it. He won’t answer whether he would sign it or not.”

Proud to sign it? DeSantis signed the bill at 11pm on a Friday, deliberately trying to avoid attention. Seems disingenuous, but still, it’s an attack that just might stick.

And DeSantis needs some wind in his sails. A new Reuters poll that just came out has Trump at 49%, with DeSantis far behind at 21%. Former Vice President Mike Pence nabbed the bronze with only 5%.

Still, it spells slightly good news for DeSantis. Previous polls had Trump in the high 55-60% and DeSantis hovering closer to 15%. They also had him within single digits of the third place candidate, and his PAC even released ads going after Nikki Haley. Now, the chasm between third and first place is at least significantly bigger than it was before.

Will this actually sure up support, however? That remains to be seen. Conservative voters got what they wanted when Roe V. Wade was overturned. Now they might be thinking strategically, not wanting to push the issue so their guy could have some appeal with the center. If voters use that calculation, Trump clearly comes out on top.

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