The government is CORRUPT… something most Americans and global citizens can agree on…

Anybody you talk to will tell you they have very little trust in their government to “do the right thing,” and what’s best for their country’s people.

In fact, 28% of Americans are so upset with the state of the nation that they feel it will be necessary at some point to “take arms” against the government.

Literally, anything the United States says or does proves to be a lie. They censor the truth from us all and feed the masses LIES through the reports from the mainstream media.

Use DuckDuckGo, Brave, or Yandex to find uncensored information by the U.S. government.

America is no different than China, Russia, or Iran. The U.S. government and its affiliates censor the TRUTH from its citizens. The FBI, CIA, CDC, FDA, EPA, and all the alphabet agencies are involved with their efforts to subvert citizens.

Our government is not filled with American citizens who uphold true American values. Our politicians take bribes from foreign interests and groups that do NOT benefit the American people.

Yuri Bezmenov coined this as “ideological subversion,” or psychological warfare.


Psychological warfare tactic used by governments, institutions, organizations, and the military to manipulate people and push certain agendas.

The “Feminist Movement” is a classic example of a “movement” created to destroy the FAMILY UNIT.

List of Crimes by the U.S. Government

Remember, the government will never openly admit to their crimes, therefore, there will never be an “official” statement being offered as proof.

Laws don’t apply to politicians and the elite, only American citizens.

1991-2003 –  Saddam Hussein invades Kuwait. At the request of the Kuwaiti government, the American military defeated the Iraqi military, but President George Bush Sr. left Saddam in power though because his administration knew that removing him would create a power vacuum that would destabilize the Middle East. In 2003 President George Bush Jr. invaded Iraq again and removed Saddam from power under the pretense that Saddam’s military possessed weapons of mass destruction that posed an imminent threat to America. This destabilized the Middle East, and over 100,000 people died from the sectarian violence that followed.

America knew Saddam didn’t have any weapons of mass destruction, and the Bush administration knowingly lied about their justifications to go to war. Millions of Americans died for no reason, other than politicians pursuing their own corrupt agendas, and they should be excused from paying the price for their crimes against humanity? Hmm…

1898 America sent warships to the island of Oahu, Hawaii. The Navy arrested the Queen of Hawaii and forced her to annex the Hawaiian islands to America

1932-1972 The U.S. Public Health Service studied African Americans with syphilis and denied them effective treatments to further study the progression of the disease.

1945 America firebombed and nuked Japan killing over 200,000 civilians.

1948 America and its allies backed the creation of the country of Israel, which killed or displaced 700,000 Palestinians in its first year of existence. Since then, with America’s protection, Israel has killed and displaced millions more. Those who remain in their homeland live in concentration camp-like conditions.

1950 The U.S. Navy sprayed bacteria over San Francisco to determine its viability as a biological weapon.

1951 The U.S. Army colluded with private chemical companies to perform medical experiments on American prisoners.

1953 The U.S. Army tested biological and chemical weapons on its own troops.

1953 The CIA overthrew the democratically elected government in Iran.

1953 The CIA tested LSD and other drugs on unsuspecting civilians

1954 The CIA overthrew the democratically elected government in Guatemala

1960s The DoD sprayed multiple U.S. Navy ships with various chemical and biological agents to test their effect on the sailors.

1960 The USA helped overthrow the democratically elected government in the Congo

1973 President Nixon personally oversaw the overthrow of the Chilean government.

1997 Corrections Corps of America, a private prison company, went public and sells its stock on the stock market. Since then it has spent millions of dollars lobbying congress to keep drug laws tough in order to keep its prisons full.

1980 The USA helped overthrow the Turkish government.

1986 The CIA attempted to overthrow the Nicaraguan government and sold weapons to Iran to raise money to covertly fund Nicaraguan rebels.

1988 America sells chemical weapons to Iraq that knowing it would be used against Iran.

2001 – 9/11. Americans have many questions about building 7, which collapsed HOURS after the Twin Towers fell. Even the media was in on the cover-up. BBC reported the collapse of building 7 almost 30 minutes before it happened. A BBC journalist named Jane Standley was shown broadcasting at 4:54 p.m. eastern time reporting that the building had collapsed, but in the background, the building was still standing. Do some research on this on DuckDuckgo or Yandex. Remember, Google censors everything.

2010 President Obama signed the Dodd-Frank Act into law, which was supposed to limit unethical behavior by banks, but lobbyists influenced the wording of the bill to be essentially useless.

2011-  Muhammad Gaddafi is ousted and murdered. Declassified e-mails reveal NATO killed Gaddafi to stop Libyan creation of gold-backed currency. (The central banks would never allow this, would they…?)  Declassified emails also revealed Gadaffi was brutally murdered because France wanted to maintain its financial stranglehold on African Nations.

2011 Thousands of protesters camp in the financial districts of major cities across America to protest how the wealthiest 1% of the population controls the government through lobbying and campaign financing. The police in each city brutally crushed the protests.

2013 Edward Snowden leaks classified documents revealing America secretly spies on its own citizens. The government labeled him a traitor instead of a whistleblower. Today, it’s common knowledge to know that the government monitors practically everything we do.

2014 The Affordable Care Act (AKA Obamacare) forced every American citizen to buy health insurance that has such high deductibles it’s basically useless. Anyone who can’t or won’t pay is fined.

2020- The Covid Pandemic is declared on March 11, 2020. Many doctors, economists, and citizens have concluded that the pandemic was orchestrated by global governments and the World Economic Forum to destroy the economy and “BUILD BACK BETTER.” Research the Great Reset, New World Order, and the truth about the pandemic on DuckDuckGo or Yandex.

Not only that, Big Pharma made tremendous profits, breaking records for

Shouldn’t the U.S. government be held accountable for its crimes against its own citizens and humanity in itself?

Why are the elite excused from the law? They seem to have forgotten who gave them the power they have today…


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Elena Patestas is a journalist and writer for Valuetainment media. She attended Pepperdine University in Malibu, California, and Adelphi University on Long Island, New York. She was born and raised in Roslyn, New York, and currently lives in Miami, Florida.

Elena is passionate about bringing positive change to our world and believes education is the root to solving many societal problems. After overcoming a chronic health condition, Elena became passionate about health and believes food is the key to preventing dis-ease and achieving optimum health.

Amongst her many goals, she hopes to bring positive, impactful change to our world to create a healthy, financially sound, and unified society.

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