Here is a phenomenon not as urgently interesting as alien spaceships potentially being shot out of the sky by U.S. fighter planes, but pretty effective when it comes to diverting media coverage.  The more that is talked about UFOs, the less time is spent discussing things like the border crisis in Arizona and Texas, Hunter Biden’s computer and business dealings, and the economy. 

Joe Biden and his team have amped the urgency of the flying objects cruising through our airspace over the past two weeks. They now have an important interagency team investigating the “Unidentified Aerial Phenomena” hovering over the Atlantic, Pacific, and Great Lakes regions. 

Here’s part of the official announcement from National Security Council spokesman John Kirby. 

“The president, through his national security adviser, has today directed an interagency team to study the broader policy implications for detection, analysis, and disposition of unidentified aerial objects that pose either safety or security risks.”

Things have been getting a little nutty lately. Our military ad NORAD has shot down four objects, including a Chinese spy balloon and other strange flying objects in Alaska, Michigan, and Canada. 

Kirby says this is a top priority in our nation’s capital. 

“Every element of the government will redouble their efforts to understand and mitigate these events.”

Here’s something interesting regarding the timing and urgency of Biden’s crew. The one politician who has been all over this issue for at least the past couple of years is Florida Senator Ricky Rubio. He finds it a little odd how things are ramping up now. 

“Why is the White House creating a new “interagency team” to monitor, investigate & report on unidentified aerial objects when we already have @DoD_AARO which we helped create over two years ago?”

Fair question. On Tuesday, the entire Senate is set for a briefing on classified material about these UFOs, wait, sorry, I mean – Unidentified Aerial Phenomena.”

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