HORRIFYING footage shows a construction worker hanging in the sky, screaming for his life.

Worker’s Comp WYA?!

The construction firm involved in the incident confirmed that an “incident took place” on Tuesday after a worker’s hand was “entangled with a tagline after hooking a load.”

The man dangling is heard screaming as another worker films his ride down…

Those who witnessed the scary situation can be heard shouting to the man “Hang on!”

They were also very nervous that the block above him would subsequently crush him as they lowered him to the ground.

“How the F*** Did This Happen?!”

Onlookers are heard shouting to the man “Hang on!” as he flails his legs high above the ground.

The construction worker’s helmet falls to the ground and onlookers shrieked with anxiety.

We can only imagine what was going through this poor man’s head at the time… 

One witness is heard saying: “Oh my God, how the f*** did this happen?”

The Victim Suffered Two Injuries

The videos which surfaced do not show the victim landing safely, however, site bosses reported that the worker was safely lowered and suffered no serious injury, other than a broken wrist and swollen thumbs.

Police, firefighters and the ambulance service were not called, according to a report by CBC.

An Investigation is Underway

The worker was employed by subcontractor Modern Niagara as a rigger, responsible for ensuring loads of materials are securely fastened before being hoisted by crane operators.

Ontario’s labour ministry is investigating and has sent an inspector to the site.

Apparently, this same construction site had a prior incident in July of 2020, when a crane collapsed and fell on the roof of an adjacent building. Four buildings needed to be evacuated after the accident and thankfully no one was severely injured.


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