If you’re wondering how a mall Santa can sit in that hot and itchy red suit, hour after hour, day after day, here’s one reason; they get paid for it. It’s up to each Kris Kringle to decide if it’s worth it.
According to a study by ZipRecruiter, the average annual salary for the Santa gig is $47K, and some change. That works out to about $22.87 per hour, but Santa only works from early November until the end of December, listening to kids’ Xmas requests for 6-12 hours per day. So they are making a fraction of the full $47,000.
Mitch Allen runs a company called Santa Claus and Co. it’s the oldest Santa staffing company in America, and he said his Jolly Old St. Nicholas’ make more than that. His guys make between $5,000 and $12,000 per season.
Here’s what he told Fox News.
“It can be good supplemental income for these gentlemen during the season.”
Santas were in hot demand this year, with the work opportunity up 20% from last year and over 120% before the pandemic.
Allen said some Santas are getting booked out for next year already.
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