Following the June 2nd primary election in Puerto Rico, the island’s elections commission is reviewing its contract with Dominion Voting Systems due to hundreds of discrepancies found with their voting machines.

The voting machines were discovered to be miscalculating votes due to a software glitch, according to the commission’s interim president, Jessika Padilla. While the ultimate results of the highly contested primary elections are not in question, the electronically-counted votes did not match paper-counted votes in some cases, and in other cases, zero votes were counted for candidates.

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Padilla told the press, “The concern is that we obviously have elections in November, and we must provide the (island) not only with the assurance that the machine produces a correct result, but also that the result it produces is the same one that is reported.”

José Varela, Vice President of Puerto Rico’s House of Representatives, added, “We cannot allow the public’s confidence in the voting process to continue to be undermined as we approach the general elections.” In November, residents of the US territory will not cast ballots for the US President but will elect their governor and local representatives.

In the New Progressive Party primary, Jennifer González beat Governor Pedro Pierluisi. Representative Jesús Manuel defeated Senator Juan Zaragoza in the Popular Democratic Party primary. Both parties noted hundreds of errors in their respective elections, which also affected mayoral and resident commissioner races.

Tech entrepreneur Elon Musk called for the elimination of all voting machines following news of the discrepancies. “The risk of being hacked by humans or AI, while small, is still too high,” he wrote.

Dominion came under scrutiny following the 2020 US presidential elections, when some critics claimed errors were found with voting machines in Michigan and Georgia. Following an audit of the vote tally in Michigan, Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani said, “The findings in Antrim County, where the error rate was a mind-blowing 68 percent, the ballot rejection rate was 82 percent, and software security records and adjudication files were missing, in violation of state and federal laws, are nothing short of mind-blowing.”

In April of last year, Dominion settled their lawsuit against Fox News for $787.5 million. Shortly following this settlement, Tucker Carlson left Fox News.

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