China is going down. At least their population is, and that’s rare and not great for the communist regime facing several internal issues right now that could mess with their grand plan of world dominance. 

According to officials from the National Bureau of Statistics, the headcount is down 850,000 from a year ago. In the past year, there were 9.56 million births in the country, which is a record-low birth rate of 6.77 per thousand people. It’s a decline of 10 %. The number of deaths was 10.41 million. 

Last year was highlighted by the very unpopular and incredibly ineffective draconian measure laid down by President Xi Jinping — the one-man ruling party of China. “Zero-Covid” severely damaged the economy, not to mention the country’s morale. 

Diving into the data a bit more, the number of births in China has been steadily declining for the past ten years, putting a damper on China’s dream of becoming the world’s largest economy. India is on pace to pass China as the nation with the biggest population, and it will happen later this year. 

Some experts believe China is in deep trouble, and one of the reasons is that their declining births mean a workforce aging far too fast.  China’s economy depends on cheap labor — and in the latest population report, the working people between 16 and 59 made up 62% of the overall population.  Ten years ago, that demographic was 70% of the works force. 

The middle class is rising in China, which means more educated people in urban areas who are not interested in producing many kids. 

This is just the start of a declining population that some experts, including the United Nations believes, could fall to 800 million in 75 years. Xi and his cronies saw this trend coming and allowed couples to have up to two children since 2016 and three children since 2021.

It’s not working. 

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