Testifying before the House’s Subcommittee for National Security, David Grusch, a former intelligence officer with 14 years of service in the Air Force and National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, disclosed that executive branch agencies withheld critical information about unidentified anomalous phenomena, commonly known as UFOs or UAP. 

Grusch, who served as a representative on two Pentagon task forces responsible for investigating UFOs, disclosed that he was privy to information regarding “a multi-decade UAP crash retrieval and reverse-engineering program” during his work with classified programs.

However, he was denied access to these programs when he requested it. Grusch accused the military of diverting funds to shield these operations from congressional oversight. He also revealed that he interviewed officials who had direct knowledge of an aircraft with “nonhuman” origins, and certain “biologics” were allegedly recovered from some of these unidentified crafts.

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During the same hearing, two former fighter pilots who had firsthand experiences with UFOs – Ryan Graves and David Fravor – also shared their encounters.

Graves, a former Navy pilot, described how he and his squadron in Virginia Beach began detecting unknown objects in 2014, describing them as “dark grey or black cubes” inside a clear sphere. Fravor recounted his 2004 encounter off the California coast, where he spotted a smooth, oval-shaped object that defied conventional explanations, leaving him and others astonished.

Lawmakers from both parties expressed concern and interest in further investigating these extraordinary claims. They questioned how Congress should proceed considering the increasing number of encounters with UFOs and the lack of transparency from the executive branch.

The Pentagon’s All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office, established to investigate these incidents, reportedly examined around 800 UFO reports as of May. While some cases have been explained, many others remain puzzling.

Calls for increased transparency and further investigation into these occurrences were made by members of both sides of the aisle, signaling a new chapter in the ongoing pursuit of understanding and revealing the truth about UFOs.

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