A Year ago, people flying home from holiday visits were required to do something that was the cause of the overwhelming majority of altercations on planes; wear masks. 

It was one of the first things Joe Biden did when he became President. He signed the federal mask mandate on his first day in office.  Literally, before he could get lost navigating the layout of the White House or telling his pet dog to stop biting strangers, he made sure that every American would have to wear a mask on flights. 

The federal courts overturned the mandate last April, and now some data is coming in on the impact of wearing masks on planes, and the news is not good for mask-lovers like Biden and Tony Fauci. 

Last February, the rate of unruly passengers on planes was 6.4 per 10,000 passengers. That may not sound like a lot, but it was an incredibly high number, and there were countless reports of unruly behavior on flights in early 2022. 

Everything changed after people were allowed to unmask. Since the mandate was ruled unconstitutional, the number has dropped to 1.7 per 10,000 passengers. The data shows that Biden’s aggressive and non-science-backed mask policy was the reason for the in-flight disturbances, confrontations, assaults, and brawls. 

Here’s something to keep your eye on if you travel frequently. Biden and his team are actively looking to enforce the mandate again and have challenged the April ruling.  

If you do not want the Federal Government telling you that you must wear a mask on an airplane, the Health Freedom Defense Fund is fighting for you.  That is the organization that filed the lawsuit challenging the mandate, and they are fighting like crazy against the President and his mask-pushing pals now.  

Interestingly, the HFDF said it’s not just progressives like Biden looking to push their will on Americans; it’s a common trait of all administrations. Here’s what President Leslie Manookian told RCP.

“Most administrations of the last 10 to 20 years have sought this kind of power. It’s not just the Biden administration. It’s about increasing the power of the federal government as well as people who are not elected, and it’s not a partisan issue. They all want more power and are getting it through these emergencies.”

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