For anyone that was told they were crazy for thinking something fishy was going on with Twitter during the pandemic, don’t worry; you’re not. The latest batch of Twitter files confirms that the government censored the Covid debate. 

Reporter David Zweig broke it down in a lengthy thread. Here are some of the more interesting factoids. 

It was the Trump administration that reached out to big tech for help in initially controlling panic buying and massive runs on grocery stores at the start of the pandemic three years ago. Once The Big Guy (Joe Biden) took office, though, the government was all-in on the dissemination of information and wiping away any evidence of opinions or facts delivered by “anti-vaxxers.”

One person caught in the crossfire was reporter Alex Berenson of the New York Times. In June of 2021, Biden went off about social media platforms being responsible for killing people through Covid misinformation.  Quite the bold claim by the leader of the free world, but Twitter responded accordingly and, unsurprisingly, first suspended Zweig before intimately banning him. 

What could Berenson have tweeted to receive that harsh of a punishment? Here’s what he tweeted about the vaccines. 

“It doesn’t stop infection. Or transmission. Don’t think of it as a vaccine. Think of it — at best — as a therapeutic with a limited window of efficacy and terrible side effect profile that must be dosed IN ADVANCE OF ILLNESS.”

So, in other words, he was banned for telling the truth. 

That wasn’t nearly enough for Biden and company. The Twitter files released Monday described how Biden’s team was “very angry” Twitter didn’t boot more people for nothing. 

Numerous doctors felt the wrath and were stripped of Twitter privileges, too, including Dr. Martin Kulldorff.  He tweeted that vaccines are unnecessary for children or people who have already contracted Covid. 

A doctor named Andrew Boston was banned permanently for tweeting the results of negative studies about the Covid vaccine.  He pointed out data that showed Covid was less dangerous than the flu for children. 

It’s common knowledge that the vaccines didn’t stop transmission, but in 2021 when Biden took office, that was considered “misinformation” worthy of a lifelong ban from Twitter. 

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