Use your imagination to devise the world’s weirdest and sickening side hustle. Then be prepared to realize it’s not nearly as disgusting as what Cedric and Denise Lodge pulled off from 2018-2022.
Cedric is the now ex-manager of the Harvard Medical School morgue, and he, his wife, and three others have been charged for allegedly trafficking human body parts donated to the Ivy League school for research purposes. During those four years, this motley crew allegedly sold faces, brains, and other bits Cedric stole from the morgue.
The charges include conspiracy and interstate transport of stolen goods, and if you add up the potential sentences, they could be looking at a combined 15 years in prison if convicted.
Here are more details on the criminal enterprise. Lodge would apparently allow customers to come in and pick the remains of a dead person they wanted. If a buyer couldn’t get to Cambridge, Mass, he would take the boy part home with him and then mail it off in exchange for a few hundred or few thousand dollars.
One of the buyers nabbed made 39 payments on PayPal, amounting to roughly $40,000 over three years. This buyer was not subtle or particularly interested in covering their tracks, considering they captioned one payment they made to Denise Lodge, “head number 7,” and another purchase was labeled “braiiiiiins.”
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