Florida is a big state. But is it big enough to handle the two powerhouses that would be the Republican front runners in a race for the White House in the 2024 election? 

A story reported by NBC said that Governor Ron DeSantis’ political team has begun calling Republicans in the Florida congressional delegation to consolidate support. He’s doing this because four members have publicly stated they are on Team Trump. 

Since Florida is a huge state, and DeSantis is the popular governor there, he’s trying to stop the defections — so far, he has 0 endorsements from the 20 Republicans that make up the delegation. Then again, DeSantis has not officially declared he’s running for President yet. 

What spooked the DeSantis camp is one of his allies, Rep Byron Donalds, announced his loyalty to Trump in 24. The governor’s team wants other members of the delegation to hold off on any announcements of whom they are endorsing. 

Here’s a quote in the NBC story from a Republican consultant. 

“There is clearly some angst from the DeSantis camp that so many members of the state’s congressional delegation are throwing their support behind Trump. Gaetz going with Trump is one thing, but Byron’s endorsement of the former president undoubtedly rattled some cages.”

Word is DeSantis will be making his official announcement in May or June. It’s going to get ugly; everyone can agree on that. Trump is already fighting dirty from Mar a Lago in Palm Beach. On Friday, a Trump PAC released a weird video that showed a DeSantis lookalike eating putting with his fingers — in an apparent to show that he will get his dirty fingers into the entitlement programs of seniors. 

DeSantis will have to get in the mud or pudding with Trump to compete. 

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