Italy may start rationing natural-gas consumption after Gazprom halved supplies on Friday.

Russia’s ambassador to the EU has informed the EU that gas will stop through Nordstream because a turbine that was needed was stuck in Canada due to sanctions.

But it doesn’t stop there. Now, Russia’s largest gas field in Siberia is on fire.  Another reason gas cannot be delivered to Europe. Can this situation get any worse?

Russian energy company Gazprom will only supply 50% of the gas imports that Italy requested, Eni, an Italian oil and gas company said on Friday. Eni had requested about 63 million cubic meters (approximately 2.2 billion cubic feet) of gas daily from the Russian supplier, the company said.

GRTgaz, a French network operator stated they have not received gas from Russia via pipeline since June 15th.

French network operator GRTgaz said it had not received gas from Russia via pipeline since June 15.

Since June 15, GRTgaz has noted a halt in the physical flow between France and Germany,” said the French operator. UniperGermany’s largest importer of Russian gas, said it received 60less gas from Moscow than agreed on Friday.

Countries will need to start building up their storage of gas before winter approaches.

Over the weekend, Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera reported that the Italian government and energy industry would meet on Tuesday and Wednesday to discuss the crisis, with the likely outcome being the introduction of a state of alert under the country’s gas emergency protocol.

Hopefully, Europe will take this as a hint to retreat and prevent WW3 which seems to be around the corner, according to Prime Minister Boris Johnson. The odds of seeing any positive change from our corrupt politicians are as likely as expecting fish to fly.

It’s been a while since our leaders have put the people’s needs before their own personal agendas…

What a sh*t show.

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