Republican leaders from Long Island are demanding Long Island Rep. George Santos resign after the recent discovery he lied about significant portions of his resume. Leaders have called Santos “disgraceful, dishonorable, and unworthy of the office.”

The lies Santos told include lying about where he went to high school and college. He lied about working on Wall Street. Santos also reportedly lied about founding an animal charity. Santos has also made false claims about his Jewish heritage and made up an entire story about his family escaping the Holocaust.

These lies have made many of his peers skeptical of anything he has said. Two House Democrats have filed a complaint with the Ethics Committee. Fellow Republican leaders have also called for an investigation by the House Ethics committee. Santos seems to have added fuel to the fire with antics like showing a “white power” sign on the House floor. Leaders complain he has not shown any remorse. Now, GOP officials say they will refuse to work with him if he stays in office.

Is Santos considering stepping down after the demands of his peers? Simply put, the answer is no. Santos does acknowledge that he “embellished” his resumer. He says the lies were not criminal in nature and plans to serve a full two-year term in Congress.

If Santos ever did decide to resign, experts say it would be costly for Republicans. Santos was a key ally in helping McCarthy win the House Speaker position. His vote could also be critical for the GOP going forward.

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