In this final part(3 of 3) I want to begin with this question. How did we develop them? Or how do you develop your people? The same way you must do it where you are at… Intentionally. Once I had my epiphany on leadership we started to introduce different leadership concepts and styles. We used classroom discussion, presentations, book studies, self evaluations, activities, team building, to really teach them how to lead and lead well. That translated into a culture of accountability, love, work ethic, discipline, etc. All qualities of leadership. The  goal of leadership is to create more leaders…that’s how you not only add to your influence but actually multiply it!

So what does this mean for me? For you? For us? The word “Shepherd” is used throughout the bible. King David speaks in Psalm 23:1 “The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want.” What does this mean? Well first let’s start out with what a shepherd is. A shepherd is one who looks after, protects, guides, his sheep. He is their leader. A shepherd’s job is very similar to what you are doing. The Lord is our Leader, our Shepherd. He guides us, looks after us, and protects us.  In our sinful nature we turn away and our earthly minds don’t want Him as our shepherd, our leader…but we need Him.  Our world needs Him. Our world needs YOU! Godly leaders, mothers, and fathers. Our world needs you to step into whatever role you’re given, wherever He has you planted right now, and lead for the Kingdom. 

Throughout the bible leadership is on display not only from God himself but also from Moses, Nehemiah, King David and many more. You may not think you are a leader because your position or title doesn’t bring you to that conclusion but I have news for you…You are a leader. If you have the ability to influence others, which we all do, you have the ability to lead. God has created you to do great things so don’t sell yourself short because of a minimal view of yourself, comfortability, or fear. The God who commands Angel armies is on your side. Be bold. Be Courageous. Be the leader God has created you to be.  Until next time…Keep growing…Keep Learning…Keep Leading.  

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