Ahead of his Friday court date, the world’s richest man is sending a message loud and clear to anyone still working at twitter. Wednesday, Musk arrived at Twitter’s headquarters in San Francisco carrying a porcelain sink. Musk tweeted a video showing him walking into the headquarters carrying an actual porcelain sink. Along with the video, he posted the caption, “let that sink in”. He has also changed his twitter bio to “Chief Twit”.
Yes, employees were given the heads up that the potential new owner would be coming into the office. I’m sure they were not expecting the sink entrance. The unusual new boss’s entrance is likely to raise a lot of questions for employees who are already uncertain of their futures. Twitter employees spoke with Axios saying the takeover bid has presented challenges within the office. Those challenges are impacting the company’s overall morale.
Musk is only days away from closing the deal to buy the social media network for a reported $44 billion. The purchase will put an end to an ongoing back and forth between Twitter and Elon that resulted in a judge giving a Friday deadline. As Friday approaches, having a new owner is obviously sinking in for employees. If there was any doubt of what type of boss twitter employees could expect, they sure have a better idea now. What may not have really become apparent just yet is who will have a job and who will be asked to leave when this deal is final. Rumors have already revealed the billionaire plans to gut staffing by getting rid of nearly 7,500 employees. Maybe the sink was a message to anyone who Elon believes hid data showing a significant number of users on the app are bots. Whatever the message is, it’s clear there will be some headline making changes.
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