Will JP Morgan Chase Bank be closing Elon Musk’s accounts for expressing “Anti-Christian behavior?”

This Halloween, Elon Musk dressed up as “The Devil’s Champion,” which had a satanic Baphomet front and center and multiple upside-down crosses, mocking Jesus Christ, the Holy Resurrection, and Christians all together.

You don’t have to be a Christian to see the blatant hypocrisy. 

Why is it that Hollywood, the media, the music industry, and everyone in between can MOCK Christians, Jesus Christ, and the cross with ZERO repercussions?

Kanye West got his bank account shut down for saying anti-Semitic comments.

Elon Musk and the rest of Hollywood mock Jesus Christ and they are awarded an Oscar. Oh. I get it! 

Elon Musk dresses up as “The Devil’s Champion” for Halloween

It’s just another day in Hollywood… 😉

The name in itself, “The Devil’s Champion” signifies plenty.

Elon Musk recently acquired Twitter, and while many of us are excited about the improvements he will be making in the name of “freedom of speech,” many are also skeptical as to whether he is simply the “devil in disguise” for something more sinister involving the transhumanist agenda and other plans the elites have.

“Satan disguises himself as an angel of light.”

2 Corinthians 11:14

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Don’t Trust Elon Musk Just Yet. Here’s Why –

We must remember that someone as wealthy, prominent, and publicized as Elon Musk may not necessarily have the people’s best interest at heart, even though he portrays himself as such.

Elon Musk is involved with many conflicting agendas pertaining to the Satanic Elite.

These Are Not “Conspiracy Theories.”

1. Elon Musk is developing a brain chip called Neuralink.” This coincides with the elites‘ plans to microchip us all (here’s a video of Klaus Schwab saying he wants to microchip all humans.)

2. Elon Musk comes from a very wealthy family who has been involved with the transhumanist agenda for DECADES.

3. Elon Musk is involved with the “Climate Change Agenda” to push electric vehicles in the name of being eco-friendly. Upon further research, you will discover that electric vehicles do not have a positive environmental impact because you still have to mine the earth for lithium.

4. Elon Musk is involved with SpaceX. Do those rockets use fuel? Yep. It also damages the ozone layer. Not so eco-friendly Mr. Musk! SpaceX doesn’t really tell us what their research is for either. Instead of worrying about “space,” why don’t we worry about the earth right now… We got plenty of problems down here. NASA is also bullsh*t. CERN’s logo is literally 666. All of these “organizations” are completely corrupt. Research (use Duckduckgo, Yandex, or Brave search engines). 

5. Elon Musk is involved with Starlink, a plan to bring wifi all over the world. While this may sound good, we have to consider what the underlying agenda might be and the surrounding evidence.

6. Elon Musk has worn an outfit to the Met Gala that literally says “New World Order” on the back of it. Just like our dollar bills read on them. But some will still tell you it’s a “conspiracy theory.” 😉

Doja Cat Also Mock Christians…

Doja Cat via Instagram
Doja Cat via Instagram

Christian Leadership is Failing.

Or, it’s doing exactly what it’s “supposed” to. 😉

If the church wanted to speak up, they could. They have power. They are doing exactly what the controllers are telling them to do because they themselves are involved in the corruption.

If that wasn’t already obvious. 

What are Christians doing to address what we are seeing around the world today?

Why isn’t the Archdiocese speaking out against these horrible acts against Christians and Jesus Christ?

People have different theories about this.

We know the church is extremely corrupt anyways and people believe it has been infiltrated by corrupt politicians, organizations, and other evil people who want to control what is taught to Christians. It’s all CORRUPT.

Think about it, during the “pandemic,” the church literally told people they could not give them religious exemptions against the V. The churches chose not to expose the controllers who were pushing fear agendas, the antithesis of the Christian faith.

They should have gone AGAINST the government, and not obeyed their orders, because the only person we take orders from is God.


The Bible literally says “do not be afraid” multiple times, and yet our Christian leaders followed the orders of the politicians and evil controllers of our world.

Fear=the Devil.

It’s safe to say that the Devil has infiltrated the Church. 


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