In case you’re wondering if major brands like Volkswagen, General Mills, General Motors, and others woke up last week and decided to pull their advertising off Twitter randomly, they didn’t 

They were forced to by the left activist groups that piled on the brands and urged/begged/insisted they yank their ad money. 

That might not be legal, and the world’s richest person can afford an army of lawyers if he wants to find out. 

Elon Musk, the new owner of Twitter, said that his company has grounds for legal action against those groups.  

The question came up when Tom Fitton, the president of Judicial Watch, asked Musk on Twitter if he “has tortuous interference claims against the Left activist groups which are causing damaging advertiser boycotts.”

That question received a two-word response from the boss. “We do,” Musk said. 

The radical activist groups sent letters to the top execs at dozens of brands telling them to cease all advertising. Safety was their concern. 

Here’s an excerpt from one of the letters. 

“We know that brand safety is of the utmost importance to you. As such, you also have a moral and civic obligation to take a stand against the degradation of one of the world’s most influential communications platforms, and to hold Musk to the pledge he made to you to ensure that Twitter is a welcoming and civil place for everyone.”

Ad revenue has plummeted because of the boycott.  Musk said he tried hard to make the radicals happy, to no avail. 

“We did everything we could to appease the activists. Extremely messed up! They’re trying to destroy free speech in America.”

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