It’s the start of a new year, and you’re likely planning to eat healthy food and lose a few pounds. As you decide on the best diet, a panel of experts says to cook your food in 2023.

The US News & World Report recently released its rankings of the worst food diets to follow for the new year. Ranked as the number one worst diet is the raw-food diet. As the title suggests, the raw food diet includes eating only foods that have not been cooked, including fruits and vegetables, grains and beans, and sometimes unprocessed dairy or raw fish.

The panel of experts bases its ranking on factors such as overall healthiness, the convenience of the diet, and the potential for significant weight loss results and disease prevention. Out of a total of 24 diets, the raw food diet is believed to be the worst because there is no real evidence that there are benefits from eating raw foods compared to eating cooked food.

A raw food diet also leaves you with few options when deciding what to eat. Many who have tried the diet confess it is hard to maintain for an extended period. You could also feel hungry most of the time because uncooked food is lower in calories and protein than prepared food. Yes, you are likely to lose weight on this strict diet, but when you add other better options to your diet, the weight will likely come back.

The US News & World Report ranks the Mediterranean diet as the best to try. The diet consists primarily of plant-based foods while also incorporating whole grains, beans, nuts, seafood, and lean poultry. Experts say the diet promotes overall well-being.

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