Joe Biden has long since zoomed past the point where the idiotic things he says are just chalked up to being because he’s really old. Saturday was another one of those days where he proved he’s incapable of veering off any script he’s supposed to read. 

The 80-year-old is getting crushed for what he said in a graduation speech at Howard University. He warned graduates of the historical black college in Washington, D.C., about the threats they face from the division in their own country.  What an odd message on a day the graduates should be celebrated. 

Looking befuddled and awkward at times as he read his speech in a blue graduation robe, he ventured off message, ad-libbing a line about white supremacy being the biggest terroristic threat our country faces. 

This was what the speech writers wrote for Biden, a diatribe about racism, which he was able to read without losing his spot on the teleprompter or being distracted by someone in the audience, which in itself was an impressive feat. 

“We know American history has not always been a fairy tale. From the start, it’s been a constant push and pull for more than 240 years between the best of us – the American ideal that we’re all created equal – and the worst of us, a harsh reality that racism has long torn us apart.  It’s a battle that’s never really over,” he said, adding, “But on the best days, enough of us have the guts and hearts to stand up for the best in us, to choose love over hate, unity over disunity, progress over retreat…”

Then, he lost his way and focused on white supremacy, saying, “…To stand against the poison of White supremacy as I did in my inaugural address.” He called it “the most dangerous terrorist threat to our homeland.”

The crowd roared their approval. Basking in the glow, he added this as he pointed his finger, “And I’m not just saying this because I’m at a Black HBCU. I say this wherever I go.”

It was Joe Biden showing off his unequaled ability to divide the country. What’s worse is that he seems to revel in it. 

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