Florida Governor Ron DeSantis will be sending Florida National Guard troops to the border.

Over 1000 will be sent to assist border patrol in Texas. While most are soldiers, he’ll also be sending state troopers and a handful of wildlife officers. Who knows why DeSantis settled on the latter. Border jumping cat maybe?

The Governor of Idaho also sent in a handful of troops, pointing to a general trend amongst red state governors.

These troops came in response as Texas Governor Greg Abbott pleaded for help in a letter.

““In the federal government’s absence, we, as Governors, must band together to combat President Biden’s ongoing border crisis and ensure the safety and security that all Americans deserve. Send all available law enforcement personnel and resources to the Rio Grande.”

However, border crossings have gone down since the end expiration of Title 42. Some were expecting a massive surge but that hasn’t come into fruition.

Texas has spent 5 billion in the past year in order to control the immigration crisis.

This is a winning move for DeSantis, for once. Border security is a much less controversial issue than say, the 6 week abortion ban. He also got some positive press trying to reign in CRT in colleges.

DeSantis has had a smart and good week as he preps his announcement. We’ll see if he could keep the momentum going, or if he has another incredibly awkward moment on the campaign trail.



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