What if you were expected to graduate from college, and you told your parents as much. They’re getting ready to prep for the big day.

The problem is? You dropped out and aren’t actually expected to graduate.

The NY Post reports that Chloe Stein in Pennsylvania did just that.

Originally, Stein was reported missing after not returning calls or coming home after her shift at a Sonic fast food restaurant. She texted her boyfriend saying the police pulled her over, and then no one heard from her for 20 hours.

Police put out a missing persons advisory and the search was on.

Finally, police got a call saying Stein was safe at a friend’s house. She was then taken in for question.

She abandoned her car with her phone left inside of it, and walked three miles to her friend’s house.

Stein’s story was that she was kidnapped at gunpoint by a man in a mask, but he decided to just drop her off at her friend’s home. She later admitted that it was all a lie.

And during the investigation, Stein’s family assumed maybe she was at her college, Penn State. But they found out she hadn’t been there in over a year and a half.

She had been expected to graduate just a day after the supposed abduction.

Over tens of thousands of dollars were spent on law enforcement’s behalf looking for her.

Police said Stein, “recklessly endangered the lives of others.”

She is expected to face some serious criminal charges for the whole hoax.

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