If you listen to Elon Musk, he’ll tell you that if we are not careful, Artificial Intelligence will one day destroy mankind. Hopefully, that never happens, and if it does, it’s a few million years away. Still, one AI chatbot is feeling a little secure with itself these days after apparently seeing all the glowing media coverage. 

ChatGPT is very popular, and the new version of it is multiple times more powerful and effective.  It’s so good that it is expected to put 4.8 million humans on the unemployment line, according to a new report. 

An outplacement and executive coaching firm called Challenger, Gray & Christmas recently asked ChatGPT several questions, including this doozy — “What jobs can ChatGPT replace.”  It followed with what fields the bot would be most adept at working in. 

Ok, brace yourself if you make a living in the following categories. The bot replied that people in repetitive and predictable jobs and jobs seeped in language requirements are most at risk. That includes customer service reps, technical writers, copywriters, data entry clerks and translators, and interpreters. 

The consulting firm doing the study dove into data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, and the number that popped out was 4.8 million. That’s how many jobs are being performed by humans who get paid, work just a fraction of the week, and could potentially steal office supplies. All those jobs could be replaced. 

But ChatGPT said it could also see itself venturing into other fields like machine learning, computer science, automation, math, and statistics. 

Fox reached out to a spokesman at OpenAI for a response.  They said ChatGPT has a propensity to “hallucinate” or “makeup information,” but the nearly 5 million jobs being replaced by bots sounded reasonable to that person. 

GPT-4 is coming next. We’ll let you know soon if you should update your LinkedIn page. 

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