Cancel culture attempts to strike again as American cartoonist, Scott Adams apparently puts himself on the chopping block, next. Dilbert, the widely popular comic strip, is now on the brink of being dropped by major publications, magazines and newspapers after Adams has faced backlash for alleged racist comments.

What were his recent “racist comments,” you ask?

According to a Rasmussen Poll posted last week, the statement “It’s ok to be white” garnered 53% of black Americans agreeing, 26% disagreeing and 21% not sure. Meanwhile, the next statement, “Black people can be racist, too” garnered 76% of people agreeing, 27% disagreeing and 8% not sure.

Recent tweet from Rasmussen_poll:

“It turns out that nearly half of that team doesn’t think I’m ok to be white, which is, of course, why I identified as black so I can be on the winning team for a while.” Adams stated. He continued, “But as of today, I am going to re-identify as white as I don’t want to be a member of a hate group. I’ve accidentally joined a hate group.”

Anyone with even the smallest understanding of how sarcasm works can clearly hear and see that Adams tone was emulating that. What Adams was doing was shedding some light to the real issue here – almost half of black Americans either think it is not ok to be white or are not sure. When focusing on this specific video response, his sarcastic demeanor was apparent.

Adams has denied the allegations of racism, claiming that his comments have been taken out of context or misinterpreted. However, his defense has not stopped some newspapers and websites from dropping Dilbert from their publications.

“So, if nearly half of blacks are not ok with white people, according to this poll, not according to me, that’s a hate group. And I don’t want anything to do with it.”

Adams’ sharp wit and insight into the absurdities of the workplace continue to make Dilbert a beloved fixture in the world of comics.

However, the ongoing debate over Adams’ alleged racism serves as an important reminder that “cancel culture” continuously strays away from the real underlying issues needing to be addressed and focuses on cancelling those who seem to be calling it out.

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