Since the beginning of time, we have seen people murdered and imprisoned for exposing the truth.

The most notable figure in the history of time is Jesus Christ. He was persecuted, mocked, and murdered for trying to help the world become a better place.

Jesus Christ is a great historical example of someone who tried to bring positive change to the world by spreading a message of peace, love, courage, and truth. His courageous acts have left a long-lasting impact on our world today.

Jesus gained a large following and as a result, became a major threat to leaders in positions of power.

To this day, the Bible is the best-selling book, having sold around 5 billion copies to date.

While it may be 2022, over 2000 years since His crucifixion, our world continues to face the same problems that He was attempting to solve or bring to light during His time.

Fast forward to modern day, and we see how those in power “take care of” those they deem as threats.

Not much has changed. Bribery, murder, disinformation and smear campaigns, and blackmail, are common practices.

From email servers to flight logs, the elites will cover it up however they must in order to prevent themselves from being persecuted.

Some political elites might even go as far as killing people with certain information…

Kind of like what they did to Christ back then., Google, Britannica, and Big Tech spread lies about Christianity

Jesus is constantly mocked by Hollywood, the media, celebrities, and fashion — and they get away with it. 

Now, Big Tech is adding fuel to the fire by spreading lies about the Bible and what is written.

Christ was a symbol of bravery, courage, truth, and love for all. He tried to expose the government and the truth about this world, but out of fear of losing their own power, the corrupt leaders of His time had Him killed.

“Jesus said, ‘My kingdom is not from this world. If my kingdom were from this world, my servants would be fighting to keep me from being handed over to the leaders. But, as it is, my kingdom is not from here” (John 18:36).

In the modern world, Big Tech and government are controlled by the same criminal elites who deceive and manipulate the masses.

More evidence we cannot rely on Big Tech, Google, or large corporations like for the truth…

Ecce Homo (“Behold the Man”), Antonio Ciseri’s depiction of Pilate presenting a scourged Jesus to the people of Jerusalem

“Who ordered the crucifixion of Christ?”

When you do a google search for “Who ordered the crucifixion of Christ?” Google will give you a bunch of search results that point to Pontius Pilate, the Roman leader of Judaea at the time, to have been the one to have ordered Christ’s crucifixion.

According to the Bible, however, Pontius Pilate did NOT want to crucify Christ. See below. 

Why is Big Tech lying about the Christian faith and what is written in the Holy Bible?

Pontius Pilate did not call for Jesus’ crucifixion.

In fact, he did the opposite, according to The Bible. (See evidence below).

LIE #1 –


Google’s answer to who crucified Christ. According to disinformation from which falsely states it was Pontius Pilate who CALLED for his crucifixion. Who delivered Jesus Christ to Pontius Pilate? 

LIE #2 –

Brittanica falsely states that Pontius Pilate ultimately ordered Jesus Christ’s crucifixion.

LIE #3 – falsely states that Pontius Pilate ultimately had Jesus crucified Jesus Christ’s crucifixion.

LIE #4 – Wikipedia

Wikipedia falsely states that Pontius Pilate ultimately ordered Jesus Christ’s crucifixion. 

According to the Bible, here is The Truth.

Book of John Chapter 18 – Read the full chapter here.

To be specific, it was the Sanhedrin, which was the ruling judicial body at the time, composed of Pharisees and Sadducees who ordered Christ to be crucified.

This is what Jesus Christ was fighting against, after all: Deception.

It might cause one to speculate why Big Tech is trying so hard to cover up the truth about what is actually written in the Bible…

Big Tech is spreading misinformation about what actually happened… AKA – NOT TELLING THE TRUTH!

As a Christian, it bothers me to see Big Tech spreading false information about the Holy Bible.

While it may seem like a minute detail, it’s really not, from a historical, philosophical, and religious standpoint.

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