As we talked about on Tuesday(, growth will not happen on its own. It takes intentionality and action to grow and get better. What kind of coach or mentor would I be if I didn’t give you ways to do that?  Here are 5 ways how you can start to get better and grow today!

  1. Leaders are readers -Who has time to read? Leaders do. People who succeed and win do. Reading provides you with the opportunity to be mentored with the wisdom of some of the best people in your profession or field. Here are three leadership books I suggest right now. Unreasonable Hospitality(Will Guridara), Legacy(James Kerr),  Start with Why(Simon Sinek)…and a bonus suggestion, anything by Jocko Willink.
  2. Podcasts-What a great way to listen to others who have done what you are doing or  trying to do. The generosity of people to just give away their experiences, wisdom, and advice is incredible. Here are three podcasts you can start listening too right now that will provide you with value. PBD podcast, John Maxwell Leadership podcast, and The Ed Mylett Podcast. 
  3. Nutrition and Fitness- self care is a very important part of growth. You will hear me say this many times; If you don’t spend time on wellness you will be forced to spend time on illness.  Here are three exercises you can start doing today to get you on the right path; walking for 20-30 min, burpees, and squats(body weight, barbell, dumbbell).  I would also suggest following  some nutrition experts on social media. One of the top nutrition accounts I follow on instagram  is @nutrition_with_wendi. 
  4. Challenge yourself- One of the best ways you can grow is to never stop challenging yourself or learning new things. Learn to draw, play piano, play guitar, jujitsu, karate,  etc. Challenge your body and mind to continue to grow. 
  5. Gratitude journal- Practicing gratitude has been shown to improve mental wellness, cultivate positive emotions, improve perspective, build resilience, and more. It can be as simple as writing three things you are grateful for each day in a little gratitude journal. A little more advance would be three things you’re grateful for in the morning(try to make them different each day) and three wins from the day at night. Train your brain to HUNT THE GOOD. 

Be Courageous. Be the leader God has created you to be.  Until next time…Keep growing…Keep Learning…Keep Leading.  

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