Personal growth does not alway mean that everything is easy.  In fact, personal growth is hard. You need to be willing to not only add and build new wisdom and knowledge but also  tear down and tear apart your weaknesses and bad habits.  The journey of personal growth is not a straight shot to your best self.  It is full of building and breaking down and building back stronger.  Much like your body does when you lift weights.  As you lift weights that challenge your muscles you make little tiny micro-tears in your muscles.  Through rest, recovery, and nutrition your body comes back and builds stronger muscles to repair the ones that were just  torn. 

What might be the “pain”  in personal growth?  I’ll give you five;

  1. Relationships-There are some in your life that are helping you get where you want to go and there are some that are preventing you from your goals. Evaluate and distance yourself from negative people in your life. 
  2. Time- The most valuable thing that we have. Once you use it or give it away, you can’t get it back. Evaluate how you spend your time and get rid of actions that are preventing you from getting better and add actions that will  help you grow.  Are you spending time or investing time? 
  3. Evaluations- Give out a personal evaluation to some of the people closest to you. Make it anonymous and ask them to be truthful.  You might think that an area of strength for you is actually a weakness.  Honest feedback is not something leaders should fear but should seek out so we can learn from it and grow and get better. 
  4. Mistakes- You won’t be perfect. Own it…learn from it…and move forward
  5. Pride- Leaders should want to learn from EVERYONE. From the most experienced and successful to the new hire. Don’t let pride get in your way. Never think you have it all figured out.

Be Courageous. Be the leader God has created you to be.  Until next time…Keep growing…Keep Learning…Keep Leading.  Share this article so you can add value to others too!

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