1. The Great Law.

Whatever we put into the universe will come back to us.

What you give is what you get. If you want to be successful, you will need to make the effort and never give up until you achieve whatever it is you set your mind to.

“Ask and you shall receive.”

Whatever it is you wish to have in this world can be yours, as long as you take the necessary actions to achieve your vision.


2. The Law of Creation

Life does not happen by itself, we need to make it happen.

You have to put in the work.

Success doesn’t come to those who don’t put in the effort.

Consistency, patience, diligence, and passion will determine whether or not your dreams become a reality.


3. The Law of Humility

One must accept something in order to change it.

The first step to change is admitting you have a problem. If you can’t admit the problem, you will never be able to change it.

In the world of business, humility is essential.

While some of the world’s most successful people may seem to be the most egotistical human beings on the planet, the reality is they have all had to humble themselves to get to the position they are in today.

The Greek philosopher Socrates said, “I know only one thing: that I know nothing.”


4. The Law of Growth

When we change ourselves, our lives follow suit and change too.

If you want to grow, you will need to go through the necessary changes which will most likely be uncomfortable. When it comes to business, the same concept applies.

If you wish to make great changes within your business, prepare yourself and your employees for the possibly turbulent road ahead.

A positive mindset with great focus on the end result will keep everyone motivated and eager to succeed.

It will be worth it in the end.


5. The Law of Responsibility

We must take responsibility for what is in our lives.

The worst thing someone can do is fail to admit their own mistakes or flaws. If you can’t admit your own faults, you will never be able to make the necessary changes for improvement.

Taking responsibility is something entrepreneurs should encourage to their employees by setting the example.

Transparency is key to success, and those who fail to be honest will find themselves in much deeper waters than they had anticipated.


6. The Law of Connection

The past, present, and future are all connected.

Life is a spiritual journey.

It’s very important that you choose to pursue a passion that truly speaks to your heart and soul because success will naturally follow.

There are no wrong answers. Everyone is going through their own life’s journey.

The “bad’ choices we make in life aren’t necessarily a bad thing if you choose to focus on the positive side of them. When recognized, bad decisions allow us to learn from our mistakes and grow for the better.

7. The Law of Focus

We cannot think of two different things at the same time.

Focus on achieving one goal at a time. Don’t overload yourself, as it will likely compromise the quality of your work.

Be diligent and attentive to detail.

Always give it your 1000% best effort.

8. The Law of Giving and Hospitality

Our behavior should match our thoughts and actions.

Reciprocate your thoughts with actions. The difference between the people who succeed and the people who don’t is that they take the necessary actions to make their dreams a reality.

Achieving your goals requires time, patience, consistency, and quality effort.

Break down your goals and create a plan for action.


9. The Law of Here and How

We cannot be present if we are looking backward.

Never look back. Remain focused on achieving your goals and everything you need to do to make your dreams a reality.

Be consistent and don’t get distracted by minor issues that don’t affect the “bigger picture.”

Don’t get stuck on the past. Focus on the future and all the good that’s to come!


10. The Law of Change

History repeats itself until we learn from it and change our path.

Until we learn our lesson, the same mistake or problem will continue to re-appear in our lives.

In the world of business, if you find yourself making the same mistake over and over again, or not achieving the results you are hoping for, it means you need to make a change.

Take some time to reflect and think about how you can improve yourself and the situation you are in.

Talk to someone who inspires you and can guide you in the right direction. Whether this is a parent, a mentor, or a partner, the importance of leaning on others for support is critical to success.


11. The Law of Patience and Reward

The most valuable rewards require persistence.

Be patient.

Do not rush or do things in haste. Your hard work will pay off if you are consistent in producing high-quality results.

Great entrepreneurs understand that success takes time, patience, and consistent effort.

The work never stops as an entrepreneur. There are truly no days off.


12. The Law of Significance and Inspiration

Rewards are a result of the energy and effort we put into it.

Law of reciprocity. You reap what you sow. What you give you get back.

The greater the intention, the greater the reward.

Never give up until you achieve whatever it is you’ve set your mind to.

The possibilities are limitless. You decide how far you want to go.

Take the necessary actions, and the universe will do the rest of the work.


Elena Patestas is a journalist and writer for Valuetainment media. She attended Pepperdine University in Malibu, California, and Adelphi University on Long Island, New York. She was born and raised in Roslyn, New York, and currently lives in Miami, Florida.

Elena is passionate about bringing positive change to our world and believes education is the root to solving many societal problems. After overcoming a chronic health condition, Elena became passionate about health and believes food is the key to preventing dis-ease and achieving optimum health.

Amongst her many goals, she hopes to bring positive, impactful change to our world to create a healthy, financially sound, and unified society.

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