March 8 is a world-wide dedicated day which celebrates the economic, social, political, and cultural accomplishments of women. International Women’s Day commemorates a call to action for advancing women’s equality, as well as equity.
In the business world, this day can be used to take stock of gender equality and opportunity within a professional organization. Currently, women hold 26.7 percent of positions related to technology. Both men and women utilize these technologies, so the workforce isn’t evenly representative of the markets they serve. Additionally, the majority of women in the tech industry resign half-way through their careers (double the rate of men) due to issues other than parenthood and responsibilities of care. The primary reasons for leaving tech consist of inadequate administration support (23 percent), shortage of work-life balance (22 percent), and absence of opportunity for growth (20 percent).
From a corporate standpoint, it’s advantageous to foster diversity within an organization as when all employees feel included, increases in productivity and revenue are documented, as well as the likeliness to outpace competitors and attain superior business outcomes. So, if you recognize International Women’s Day by saying ‘thanks’ or even taking the female staff out to lunch, use the moment as a key opportunity to discuss accomplishments and the journey ahead.
So, when is International Men’s Day? It’s November 19!
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