Alex Jones of Infowars sat down with Tucker Carlson for an episode of his X show on Thursday evening.

The conversation ran about an hour and a half in length and hit on topics ranging from the Great Reset and social media deplatforming to Alex Jones’ new whiskey line, which he broke out of a locked case with an axe on camera.

As of 10 a.m. ET Friday morning, roughly 16 hours since the video was posted, it had received 57,000 reposts, 159,000 likes, 10,000 comments, and 7.5 million views. The post provoked Elon Musk (who was called out in the video) to reconsider his decision to leave Alex Jones banned from the platform he now owns. Musk held an informal poll on whether he should move forward with unbanning Jones.

During the episode, Jones claims that Secret Service members and staffers close to Biden have told him that the President wanders around naked in the White House at night, forgets who he is, and needs to be kept drugged with amphetamines and other substances in order to stay functional.

Other stand-out moments were:

  • Alex Jones saying the real reason he was banned from Twitter was because he insulted CNN reporter Oliver Darcy and had nothing to do with his skepticism of the Sandy Hook shooting.
  • Jones and Carlson retelling their drunken escapade the night before, where they called up former CNN host Brian Stelter and made fun of him.
  • Carlson asking Jones how he was able to predict 9/11 in July 2001, down to the fact that airliners would be used and that authorities would blame Osama bin Laden. Jones said he simply read a document released by Project for the New American Century (PNAC) the year before in which the neoconservatives affiliated with the Bush administration (such as Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and Paul Wolfowitz) said they needed a “pearl harbor-like event” in order to usher in a new security state. He then connected the dots based on the previous attempt to bomb the Trade Center.
  • Jones saying the elites, through the “Mad Scientist” Pentagon initiative and projects at MIT, are planning to implement mind control technology and push us into a “post-human future.” Just as he accurately predicted what would come to pass based on reports he read back in the early 2000s, in which elites simply spell out what is coming, so he thinks an attempt at a post-human future is almost a guarantee.
  • In the opinion of both Jones and Tucker, the reason the elite want a post-human future (in which machines replace the majority of human beings and the elite unlock technology that makes them immortal) is because they are afraid of death. Brooding on death is the path to wisdom and how we remain sane, Jones said, riffing on a quote from Tucker’s father. Meditating on our mortality is how we keep ourselves humble and refocus our attention on God and our ancestors.
  • Jones saying that Agenda 2030 is real and very soon we will see bugs in our food (he claimed companies currently include crickets in some meat without identifying it on the package label), the banning of single-family dwellings, the banning of meat, and the banning of autonomous cars.
  • Jones saying that everything in culture, from transgenderism to the dirtiness of cities to the stupidity of entertainment and presidential cabinet members, is a campaign to demoralize people psychologically.
  • Jones saying that the elite’s intention is to have the people despair over the situation and flee the centers of power for the countryside, at which point they will take over the power grid and cut off the food supply. When life gets sufficiently intolerable, they will say it is not BlackRock or Vanguard to blame but the “white Christians” out in the countryside, and will tell everyone to go and attack them.

Erika Wulff Jones, Alex’s second wife, posted the next day: “My husband has known Tucker a long time but never seen him in his native habitat. Alex thinks of himself as an outdoorsmen and a good shooter but says Carlson is like a caveman compared to him.”

Watch Patrick Bet-David hit on some of these themes in his video on Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum (WEF) below:

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