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The secret to wealth isn’t really a secret.

Becoming wealthy is something everyone wants to know. Do you know anyone in this world who doesn’t want to be rich? Even if they say they don’t, deep down inside, they probably want to but have given up on their dreams.

Believe it or not, becoming rich is easier than it seems.

Ig: cecilxu

Most people aspire to be wealthy but don’t take the necessary actions to actually make it happen.

They want to buy nice things. They want a fancy car, a 10,000-square-foot mansion, designer clothes, botox, European vacations, and the latest gadgets on the market… BUT THEY DON’T FOLLOW THE RIGHT STEPS TO MAKE IT HAPPEN.

Instead, they settle for a mediocre lifestyle. They still manage to make certain purchases that will satisfy their cravings, but they never make it big.

Sometimes, it even backfires.

People’s desires for materialistic things and living the “dream life” take over and lead them to financial ruins.


Since many people can’t afford the things they buy, some will go as far as taking out loans for materialistic things they don’t even need.

Perhaps they anticipate they will get wealthy later on in life, and so they spend money they don’t have with the expectation that they will pay it off later. Then they’re left with all that interest in credit card debt later on. Oof.

In the end, they lose and the corporations win.

It’s a vicious cycle that many people have fallen into.

Many people want to be wealthy but aren’t willing to make the necessary sacrifices to get there.

How badly do people actually want it? If you really want something, you will do whatever you have to do to get there.

Some people make sacrifices and still fail. This leaves many people discouraged, depressed, and hopeless. Even though it shouldn’t, it happens. That’s life. Never give up.

Why do so many people struggle financially?

What is the problem? I mean, honestly. The statistics are scary!

Nearly 6 in 10 Americans don’t have enough savings to cover a $500 or $1,000 unplanned expense, according to a report from Bankrate.

The problem is not that Americans are making too little. The problem is that as peoples’ wages increase, so do their expenses.

With 64% of Americans living paycheck-to-paycheck, it makes you wonder how the average American manages their finances.

Unfortunately, it’s more awful than you would expect, depending on how low your expectations were, to begin with.

45% of Americans don’t have a penny in their savings.

Is anyone else concerned?

It’s very worrisome to see so many Americans with so little money in their savings.

While some people truly struggle to save, many simply choose not to. They throw away their money.

This group of people definitely spends money they don’t have. They probably have lots of credit card debt as well. Maybe a couple of loans on top of that. Maybe they just depend on government assistance to get by.

People are struggling, but there is a way out. 

Becoming wealthy doesn’t happen overnight.

Little by little, with great effort and consistency, as well as some self-control, it is possible to become wealthy from the ground up.


Secret #1 – Wealthy People Are STINGY!

Here’s a BIG secret about rich people – They’re kinda cheap!

I know what you’re thinking. It sounds like a contradiction but it’s true.

Most rich people are very careful with their money. They don’t spend their money aimlessly just because they have it. They aren’t “cheap” with every purchase they make, they’re just very careful with every purchase they make.

There’s a reason they’re so good with their money. They know what they’re doing.

They don’t spend money on things they don’t need and they will always try to find the best price on the market.

Before they buy anything, they will look around to find other cheaper options. They will talk to family and friends to get ideas on how they can save money for the next purchase they plan on making.

There are so many ways to spend money. Wealthy people will always do their best to get the best price. If they find out they were ripped off or cheated, they’ll be pissed.



Spending money is annoying. That’s why most of them hate taxes.

Funny enough, they have a love/hate relationship with their accountant. They are never as grateful as they should be to the person who saves them money because they feel like they could’ve saved them more money.

Remember when I said successful people are “never satisfied?”  

Money is always on their mind.

The wealthy will save whenever they can and they always look for new ways to secure their money, make more of it, or spend less of it.

They always keep their expenses to a minimum.

Sometimes, the secret to making more money is just finding ways to save it. 😉


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