In the latest episode of the Unusual Suspects, host Vincent Oshana and panelists Brandon Aceto, Christie Prades, Connor Walcott, and Rob Gargulio tackle religion...
In this episode of Unusual Suspects, Vincent Oshana is joined by Viva Frei, Brandon Aceto, and staff writers Connor Walcott and Shane Devine. They discuss the Javier...
The most unusual of suspects! Roger Stone worked on the campaigns of Republican politicians including Richard Nixon, George W. Bush, and Donald Trump, just to name a few...
In this episode of The Unusual Suspects, Vincent Oshana from @ValuetainmentComedy, @BrandonAceto, Tayler, Brady, and Christie. They will discuss the Israel vs Palestine...
Patrick Bet-David and Candace Owens discuss her high school days and the pivotal moments that shaped her conservative views. #PatrickBetDavid #CandaceOwens #dailywire ▶...
Arkansas Republican Senator Tom Cotton is voicing concern over possible vaccine mandates for school children following the CDC’s addition of the COVID-19 jab to the...
In this short clip, Patrick Bet-David and Megyn Kelly discuss whether schools brainwash children. FaceTime or Ask Patrick any questions on Subscribe to our channel: To...
Are you concerned about “wokeness” in your kids’ school? In this episode, Patrick Bet-David talks about the 6 ways parents react to ideological school...
A Vermont elementary school’s science and health curriculum for fifth graders will no longer include the terms “male” or “female.” Instead of saying “boy” or...