A Swiss billionaire named Hansjörg Wyss has funneled at least $63 million into liberal groups based in the United States ahead of the 2024 election, tax records reveal.

Through his pass-through group Berger Action Fund, Wyss funded voter mobilization and legal advocacy organization like Indivisible Project ($735,000), WorkMoney ($1,500,000), and League of Conservation Voters ($5,000,000), according to its tax filing.

It granted $35,000,0000 to the Sixteen Thirty Fund, a group that takes money from donors and discretely transfers it to a network of hundreds of left-wing activist groups. Sixteen Thirty is administered by Arabella Advisors, a shadowy consulting firm that conducts the flows of hundreds of millions of dollars in Washington, DC. Additionally, Berger sent $19,750,000 to Fund For a Better Future, a pass-through group that supplies funds to environmentalist and abortion groups.

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However, close observers of Wyss’ philanthropy trends say this represents a decline compared to his funding over the last few years. Politico speculates this is due to his dissatisfaction with President Joe Biden’s record, implying the billionaire wishes Biden was even further to the left than he is.

As Valuetainment previously reported, Wyss amassed his fortune by creating a medical device manufacturer Synthes Holdings AG and co-founding soccer team Chelsea FC. Dubbed “the new George Soros” by conservative journalists, Wyss is actually $3 billion richer than his Hungarian counterpart. In 2012, Wyss sold Synthes to Johnson & Johnson for a cool $19.7 billion in cash. He resides quietly in Wilson, Wyoming, a census-designated place within Jackson Hole, a haven for plutocrats.

The Wyss Foundation has granted $807 million since 2016, primarily to environmental causes, according to their tax filings. Its advocacy arm, Berger Action Fund, has disbursed $343 million to liberal political groups fighting Republican redistricting efforts.

These groups include the progressive powerhouse Center for American Progress (which has contributed about 70 staffers to the Biden administration between 2021 and 2022) and the Super PAC Priorities USA, as well as voter registration groups to boost Democratic turnout. Further, Wyss’s funds have supported several news outlets with progressive slants as well as efforts to block President Trump’s various bureaucratic and judicial nominees.

Shane Devine is a writer covering politics, economics, and culture for Valuetainment. Follow Shane on X (Twitter).

1 comment

  • Instead of sponsoring organisations peddling left regressive ideology, why dont these philanthropists impart the skills which made them wealthy?

    I put wealthy philanthropists peddling regressive policies in the same boat as wealthy members of the WEF.

    Somehow these wealthy philanthropists want people to remain poor with these distractions.

    Thank you
    Anthony, Sydney