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In this episode of Biz Doc:
Tom dives deep into the tensions and the future inside the ruthless competition of streaming services. Netflix still reigns supreme and a new competitor might shake down the market. This week’s case study is all about Snapchat, from multiple buyout offers to the delicate situation the app is in. Learn this and more in this incredible episode of The Biz Doc Podcast! Don’t forget to like and subscribe.
00:00 – Intro
01:32 – Stat #1 Disney is Loosing Ground
5:45 – How To Protect Your Business (ad)
7:50 – Stat #2 The Password Sharing Crackdown
10:04 – Stat #3 What’s Next In The Streaming Wars
12:09 – Case Study: Snap Chat
34:18 – Outro
Watch The Biz Doc Podcast every Friday at 1pm & catch a new “Biz Doc Bite” every single day at 9:30am EST.

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