According to data from the Customs and Border Protection (CBP) reviewed by Fox correspondent Bill Melugin, the Border Patrol in San Diego apprehended more Chinese migrants in the first two days of May than in the entirety of 2021. This follows from former president Donald Trump’s suggestion that “military age” Chinese migrants are “trying to build a little army in our country” during a rally in Schnecksville, Pennsylvania last month.

For the San Diego border patrol alone, they saw 262 apprehensions of Chinese nationals on May 1st, and 223 apprehensions on May 2nd. Meanwhile, only 323 Chinese nationals crossed illegally in the entirety of fiscal year 2021. That increased to 1,970 in 2022. In 2023, that skyrocketed to 24,048.

Since October 2023 (marking the beginning of fiscal year 2024), 27,496 migrants have been apprehended by Border Protection forces.

Melugin added that China does not comply with deportation flights sent by the US, meaning an “overwhelming majority” of said migrants are “mass released.”

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The number of Chinese illegal migrant crossings has increase by 7,000 percent since 2021 according to an analysis by Fox Digital. At this current rate, that will reach 14,000 percent by the end of this fiscal year. They had that the “overwhelming majority” are military-age males.

The Daily Caller claims it obtained internal emails from CBP in which agents were instructed starting in April 2023 to reduce the number of questions they ask Chinese migrants during interviews.

“When I first saw the surge in Chinese migrants, that’s the thought that came to my mind that these are either Ministry of State Security agents or Chinese military, who are coming to this country to commit acts of sabotage against the US,” said China expert Gordon Chang.

“I think every American should be scared to death,” Chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee Mark Green (R-TN) said at CPAC. “Not only is it the terrorist threat, we’ve had almost 400 [suspected terrorists] in this presidency where there were 11 last time, but it’s the 24,000 Chinese nationals who came in last year, 20,000 since October 1st.”

If we defend Taiwan, I can’t imagine there aren’t people in there who are going to be tracking our railheads and looking at our ports,” Green added. “And who knows what else. We’ve had mass waves of Chinese terrorists storming military installations with cameras. So look, it’s a desperate threat.”

Some 129,000 migrants were apprehended by Border Protection in the southwest border in April, down slightly from the 137,000 apprehensions in March.

The Chinese government said Monday it is “open” to working with the United States to gain control over illegal border smuggling operations.

Shane Devine is a writer covering politics and business for VT and a regular guest on The Unusual Suspects. Follow Shane’s work here.

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