The original vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna, the only administered COVID-19 shots for the vast majority of our country’s population, are officially unauthorized for use in the United States. Those who are unvaccinated or who have not received a bivalent COVID-19 booster are now eligible to receive only one dose, per updated protocols.

Aside from high-risk groups, the one-shot vaccine schedule is now widespread procedure. Despite the bivalent shot being available since last August, less than 20 percent of eligible US residents have rolled up their sleeves, still counting on the primary series of vaccinations that are no longer permitted.

Rates of vaccination for subsequent coronavirus booster shots have steadily dropped each time. On Tuesday, government officials noted an updated version of the vaccine to be expected this fall which will supposedly match future circulating strains. Like the annual flu shot, it’s possible that today’s bivalent covid vaccine will be replaced with a different jab, so vaccine-conscious individuals may choose to hold off on the current protocol to circumvent receiving multiple doses just months apart.

This drastic shift in the US’s vaccine policy comes on the heels of Switzerland no longer allowing COVID vaccine administration without special physician approval and liability.

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