Home Depot’s co-founder, Bernie Marcus, is blasting “socialism for what he sees as a lack of motivation to work. He warns the future of capitalism is in danger.
The 93-year-old billionaire took some time to interview with Financial Times, and while doing so, he made a somewhat call to action save capitalism in America. Marcus first discussed the overall attitude of the country. “Just give it to me. I don’t want to work. I’m too lazy, I’m too fat, I’m too stupid,” are the comments he made when describing the country’s attitude. Marcus also listed people or groups contributing to pushing America towards socialism and away from capitalism. The list included President Biden, “the woke people,” the news media, Harvard graduates, MBAs, lawyers, and accountants.
Not clear why Harvard graduates or lawyers and accountants made the list, but when speaking about Biden, the Home Depot co-founder said he was “the worst President in the history of this country.” He says he has no apologies for backing former President Donald Trump or Florida’s governor Ron Desantis. Marcus says a business set up for social purposes and not to capitalize does not make sense. He claims capitalism works because of hard work. He also adds he does not regret working so hard and sacrificing things like his health and time with family because the result is special and gives the best return.
It’s only fair to hear both sides of the argument. While Marcus feels this way, some, like political commentator Kyle Kulinski recently visited Valuetainment and explained how and why socialism could work in America. Check out the episode here and comment down below. What’s your attitude about capitalism and socialism? Could a combination of the two work?
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