It’s hard to be human these days…

Everyday we wake up and face the horror show we see happening in our world… all while our politicians sit back and play their part in the collapse of society.

All we can do is count our blessings and focus on all that we have to be grateful for, but for anyone who has a beating heart, it can be hard to not feel the pain others are feeling during these difficult times…

From record high inflation to the war in Ukraine, school shootings, and Biden’s health in decline, you can see how Americans are concerned with the current and future state of our world. Our lack of competent leadership has left many feeling uneasy.

Most recently, New York City issued a PSA sharing important steps New Yorkers can take if a nuclear attack were to occur.

This has left residents (and non-residents!) feeling horrified, anxious, and extremely tense.

Is this just another example of governmment issued “fear-mongering” to keep the people in a perpetuating a state of fear?

Kinda like the recent pandemic?…

In fact, 28% of Americans are so upset with the state of the nation that they feel it will be necessary at some point to “take arms” against the government.

Most Americans agree the government is ‘corrupt and rigged,’ regardless of political affiliation.



Elena Patestas is a journalist and writer for Valuetainment media. She attended Pepperdine University in Malibu, California, and Adelphi University on Long Island, New York. She was born and raised in Roslyn, New York, and currently lives in Miami, Florida.

Elena is passionate about bringing positive change to our world and believes education is the root to solving many societal problems. After overcoming a chronic health condition, Elena became passionate about health and believes food is the key to preventing dis-ease and achieving optimum health.

Amongst her many goals, she hopes to bring positive, impactful change to our world to create a healthy, financially sound, and unified society.

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